
July 2024
Add song recognition script
Link song to Spotify and YouTube Music
Simplify global font sizes
May 2024
Build script to check if radios are online
April 2024
Use Astro JS Image component
Change CDN for wallpapers
Add/remove some wallpapers
Optimize handling of wallpapers
Make player reconnect after quick network disconnects
Add Lightning QR code @ support page
March 2024
Update Android app
Use Pagefind for searching the website
February 2024
Several radios update
VideoJS update
December 2023
Added Christmas radio stations
Fix broken layout of tags @ aside
November 2023
Update several radio stations & static pages
Fix issue where CSS was not being loaded correctly on some pages
Update donation page
Add link to donation page @ category & tag pages
October 2023
Link tags @ radio page to their respective category pages
September 2023
Use Astro for our front end system. yay! That was a big one!
Better styles for play/pause icons
Added some new background images. Delete some old ones
Added Facebook share functionality
June 2023
Remove unnecessary modules
Fix bug of player not loading on empty /bookmarks page
Simplify how some svg are being loaded
May 2023
Delete "mainstream" category & merge into "various"
Show background images on mobiles - not full screen.
Totally remove boostrap.js - use vanilla JS for tooltips, modals etc.
Close main category menu on mobiles when clicking outside of it.
Use vanilla JS for main category menu on mobiles
Added a block-text to ask users for support.
Simplify ajax load scripts
March 2023
Fix user cancellation process
January 2023
Improve background image when loading
Improve aside menu load styles. 
Add previous/next player navigation that can be controlled from mobile lock screen - huge! 
Use Web Share API for sharing radios in native HTMLDialogElement.
December 2022
Move radio player to center of screen on desktop resolutions
November 2022
Created individual posts of all background images with credits & links to artist.
Control background images from drupal. yay!
Use videojs as the media player.
Set GA4 custom events tracker
Simplify player JS code.
Deleted unused content types
Use Media Session API to display radio thumbs on media players.
Randomize the list of radio stations @ homepage. 
Display credits of background photos
October 2022
Page <titles> to display current radio station
September 2022
Check all radio stations
August 2022
Release PWA Microsoft Store app
July 2022
New PWA icons
Release new PWA Android app - yay!
Find script to check broken radio links
SomaFM Beat Blender