Please support filtermusic

Thank you for being a part of our journey at filtermusic. Since our inception in 2007, your unwavering support has been instrumental in making this website a success. We deeply appreciate every comment, link and share that has helped us reach a wider audience. We recognize that filtermusic would not be where it is today without you.

If you wish to support filtermusic further, you can help by donating any amount you feel comfortable with for the running, on-going technical support of the site and the operational costs. filtermusic does take a lot of my personal time. For those of you who are unable to contribute, I still value your continued viewership. The site will continue to remain a FREE non-subscription website. For those of you who do wish to contribute, it will be greatly appreciated!

You can support me by:

  • Donate with your credit card or Paypal account
  • Buy me a coffee @ Ko-fi
  • Send a few Satoshis to the following Bitcoin Lightning addresses:

    Lightning QR code

    Zap on Nostr: npub1nl40gvdvnk89vj7sx52cq67l086pn6cw2z62v7d8jeyu3drc3dsqpw2pqh

If you cannot donate or simply don't want to, that's also ok!

Together, let's keep the music playing and the filters tuned!

Thank you!

SomaFM Beat Blender